The Collection of Papers on Shi'ite, Batinite, and Isma'ilite Philosophies
The book of Shi'ite, Batinite, and Isma'ilite Philosophies is the collection of papers presented in a one-day Conference held with the cooperation of Qazwin International University in Summer, 2010. This Conference, which was held in line with the purposes of the "Project for Compiling a Comprehensive History of Islamic Philosophy", was devoted to the first period of this history. The titles of some of the papers included in this book are as follows: "The Origin of Isma'iliyyah", "Ikhwan al-Safa", "The Necessity of Leadership (Imamat) in Isma'iliyyah", and "The Internal and Foreign Policies of the Isma'ilite Rule in Iran".
The writer of this book is Qasim Purhassan, and it has been published in 463 pages under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.