Al-Hikmat al-muta'aliyyah fi al-asfar al-arba'ah, vol. 9
al-Asfar al-arba'ah is the most outstanding and influential of all books on the Transcendent Philosophy. Undoubtedly, this invaluable work has always been considered one of the most important books in the dissemination of Mulla Sadra's specific school of philosophy.
One of the issues demonstrated in Mulla Sadra's philosophy is resurrection. This point was always prominent in the realm of Islamic philosophy and gnostic, philosophical, and theological works until it was Mulla Sadra's turn to deal with it.
He believes that resurrection is a great pillar and firm principle in philosophy. His intention is to provide a picture of resurrection in a transcendent combination which is, on the one hand, consistent with the revealed messages and gnostics' words and, on the other, at a distance from the superficial diversions of some theologians and weak ideas of contemporary philosophers in perceiving such ideas.
The ninth volume of al-Asfar consists of four parts and fifty eight chapters. In the first part (eighth), by explaining the heavenly argument, Mulla Sadra begins his discussion on the absurdity of the argument of transmigration. At the same time, he refers to some general theories about the different types of transmigration and their falsity. Finally, he propounds his theory concerning the unity of the soul and its faculties as a witness to the falsity of transmigration. This part consists of eight chapters.
He devotes the ninth part to some facts about the habits of the human soul, its acts and passions, and the abodes and stations of human beings. This part consists of five chapters. In the tenth part, Mulla Sadra discusses the truth of resurrection, the quality of the appearance of spirit, its return to the Truth, and some issues about happiness and rational and emotional wickedness. This part includes eleven chapters.