Al-Hikmat al-muta'aliyyah fi al-asfar al-arba'ah, vol. 5
The main focus of the discussions in the fifth book of al-Asfar is, in fact, corporeal substance and its characteristics. This issue was of particular importance not only to the theologian philosopher, Mulla Sadra, and the distinguished philosopher, Ibn Sina, but also to early philosophers such as Aristotle and even those before him since ancient times.
What makes corporeal substance noteworthy to Mulla Sadra is the issue of being and its stages. A study of Mulla Sadra's discussions reveals that his philosophy is based on the truth of being and its gradedness. On the other hand, he believes that being depends on the Necessary Being and the ontological light of Almighty Truth (or, in gnostics' words, the blessing of Almighty Necessary). For Mulla Sadra, like gnostics, the reason for the emanation of this blessing is the absolute graciousness of Almighty Truth. Following gnostics, he believes that Almighty Truth's emanation is necessary for the occurrence and appearance of all grades of existence, form the highest (the first emanated) to the lowest (the world of bodies).
The fifth volume of al-Asfar is the continuation of the second journey of the four-fold journeys and discusses corporeal substance and its characteristics in six fans. This book has been published with the edition, research, and Introduction by Dr. Reza Muhammedzadeh under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, along with the index of verses, hadiths, poems, etc., by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.