Ibn Arabi's Influences on the Transcendent Philosophy

The most principial teachings and the most luminous decrees have appeared in the Sadrian Transcendent Philosophy in the light of Qur'anic illuminations and Gnostic emanations. In addition to enjoying philosophical firmness and perfection and including theological (Kalami) issues, this school of philosophy is intertwined with gnosis in essence.

In several cases, Mulla Sadra refers to the distinguished gnostic, Muhyaddin Ibn Arabi, with great respect and courtesy. In his works, he also qualifies Ibn Arabi with some attributes the study of each reveals his place in Mulla Sadra's philosophical school. Some of these attributes are: the divine, impermeable, and gnostic shaykh (spiritual leader), our spiritual leader (may God be pleased with him), the theologian (muta'alih)-gnostic shaykh, the perfect spiritual leader, the supreme gnostic, the glorified gnostic shaykh, the supreme shaykh, and the researcher shaykh.

Gnostic's ideas, particularly, those of Ibn Arabi, had influenced Mulla Sadra so deeply that he resorted to them in dealing with many of the divine issues. For example, towards the end of the journey of the soul in al-Asfar, Mulla Sadra introduces Ibn Arabi as the master of the domain of the subjects related to after-death worlds and configurations.

One of the books in which it has been tried to show and then analyze Ibn Arabi's influence on Mulla Sadra is Ibn Arabi's Influence on the Transcendent Philosophy, written by Dr. Fereshteh Nadri Abyanah.

This work consists of an Introduction and five parts entitled as follows:

1. A List of Mulla Sadra's Direct References to Ibn Arabi's Words

2. A List of Ibn Arabi's Effects on Mulla Sadra

3. Issues Related to Existence

4. Causality and Emanation

5. The Trans-substantial Motion, The Unity of the Intellect and the Intelligible, The Divine Knowledge and the Soul

 Ibn Arabi's Influence on the Transcendent Philosophy, written by Dr. Fereshteh Nadri Abyanah, has been published in 310 pages by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.