Collection of Philosophical Treatises, Vol. II (Hashr al-ashya', al-Hashriyyah, Khalq al-A'amal, Wal qada wal qadr, al-Ma'ad al-jismani)

The Second volume of Collection of Philosophical Treatises includes five of Mulla Sadra's treatises as follows:

1.      Risalah hashr al-ashya'

2.      Risalah al-hashriyyah

3.      Khalq al-A'amal

4.      al-Qada wal qadr

5.      al-Ma'ad al-jismani

Sa'id Nazari Tawakkuli has edited this work, carried out the required research for it, and written an Introduction to it in which he has provided an extensive critical report of the content of the treatise. This treatise consists of eight chapters and a conclusion. Mulla Sadra has discussed the resurrection of particular intellects, rational souls, animal souls, the vegetative faculty, and the resurrection of solid things and elements in this treatise.

The next treatise is called al-Hashriyyah. Ali Asghar J'afari Walani has been responsible for the edition, research, and Introduction of this work. This treatise consists of nine chapters in which the writer discusses the reality of resurrection, the quality of the weight of acts and the criterion, and the treasurer of Paradise and Hell.

The third treatise is entitled Khlaq al-a'amal and deals with the quality of Man's voluntary acts and problems. Mehdi Dehbashi has edited this treatise and written an Introduction to it.

The treatise al-Qada wal qadr is the fourth treatise and consists of six chapters. The required edition and research work for this treatise has been done by Mehdi Dehbashi. In this work, Mulla Sadra tackles problems such as providence, the meaning of decree and ordinance, the quality of the penetration of evil in divine decree, and the quality of voluntary acts. At the end of the treatise there is a conclusion in which the writer glorifies and worships all existents.

The last treatise in the collection is devoted to the subject of corporeal resurrection. It was edited by the late Kazim Mudir Shanechi, and he also wrote the Introduction to it. The publisher has also presented a copy of a book from Ayatullah Mar'ashi's library which is apparently a combination of this treatise and Mulla Sadra's other writings at the end of this edited copy.

In order to facilitate further research, each of the treatises is accompanied with a complete index of the verses, hadiths, names of peoples, books, and the technical terms it contains.

The second volume of Collection of Philosophical Treatises has been published under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei in 528 pages by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.