Mulla Sadra, Hermeneutics, and Understanding God's Words
The correct understanding of a text has always been an important problem to philosophers, interpreters of religious text, and thinkers in the field of human sciences.
What is today called hermeneutics, in fact, discusses the methods of understanding a text (particularly, religious texts). In Islamic philosophy, this issue has always been a focus of attention under the title of interpretation and exegesis (t'awil) from the very beginning.
However, hermeneutics differs from internal interpretation or exegesis in certain ways. In order to understand these differences, one needs the knowledge of the philosophical principles of understanding the Divine words in holy texts.
Mulla Sadra, Hermeneutics, and Understanding God's Words by Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei is one of the books that has tried to explain this issue. It has particularly propounded the quality of understanding the divine language in Islamic philosophy from the viewpoint of one of the most prominent and knowledgeable Islamic thinkers and philosophers, Mulla Sadra. This book reveals that this issue has been discussed in a more profound and fundamental way in the Transcendent Philosophy and Islamic gnosis.
This work consists of an Introduction and two articles entitled. 1. Principles of Qur'anic Interpretation and Hermeneutics in Mulla Sadra, and 2. Understanding God's Words in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy.
This book has been published in 104 pages by the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. An index of important names and terms has also been presented at the end of the book.