Mafatih al-ghayb 2 vols

Mulla Sadra has written various works on the interpretation of Qur'anic chapters and verses. However, one of the books in which he has mainly dealt with the bases of the interpretation of the Qur'an is Mafatih al-qayb. This book has been organized in 20 miftahs in two volumes. Each miftah is divided into some fatihas or mashads. Sometimes, in addition to a fatiha or mashad, there is one or more chapters.

The first miftah consists of 12 fatihas and discusses the Qur'anic philosophical secrets in relation to gonstics, some of which are the following: God's speaking and writing, messengership, divine revelation, the advantage of sending books and messengers, the quality of sending revelation to the Prophet's heart, etc.

The second miftah consists of nine miftahs and is devoted to explaining God's intentions in the Qur'an and its contents.

The third miftah has eight mashads in which Mulla Sadra has explained the nature of knowledge, its concept, and his own idea in this regard.

The Fourth miftah is on the levels of revelation, different types of inspiration, memory, and temptation and their concomitants including angels and evils.

The fifth miftah discusses the knowledge of Almighty God and the demonstration of His Existence, Attributes, Beauty, and Magnificence in three mashads.

The sixth talks about the logic used in the Qur'an in seven mashads.

The eighth miftah has four chapters and is devoted to the knowledge of Almighty Necessary's Acts and their types.

The ninth miftah consists of five chapters and deals with the states of angels.

The tenth miftah deals with the body and its types and states in four chapters.

In the second volume of Mafatih al-qayb, Mulla Sadra has written ten other miftahs or the 20-miftah collection in which he discusses the following topics:

In the eleventh miftah, he has tried to demonstrate rational substances as the treasure of the knowledge and power of Almighty God.

The twelfth miftah consists of an Introduction and eleven chapters and demonstrates the createdness of the corporeal world.

The thirteenth miftah discusses the demonstration of the createdness of the spiritual world and human souls in eighth mashads.

The fourteenth miftah examines the method of the servants' journey toward God in six mashads.

The fifteenth miftah explains man's nature from the beginning of its generation from matter until the last stations of his wayfaring and mystic journey in four chapters.

The sixteenth miftah consists of an Introduction and four lum'ahs and is devoted to a discussion of the kingdom of heaven and the demonstration of spherical souls and their separate intellects.

The seventeenth miftah has eight ishraqs and discusses the knowledge of resurrection, revivification of the soul, and the quality of their return to Almighty Truth.

The eighteenth miftah has been written in seven mashads, in which corporeal resurrection has been demonstrated and the promises of religion in relation to the grave, the Book, the Balance, and Heaven and Hell have been explored.

The nineteenth miftah discusses some of the issue in relation to the Hereafter in twenty mashads.

The twentieth miftah is devoted to ascetic practice and spiritual exertion.

This book has been published in two volumes with edition, research and Introduction by Dr. Najafquli Habibi under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, along with an index of the cited verses, hadiths, etc., in 1180 pages by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.