Knowledge of God (Commentary on al-Shawahid al-rububiyyah fil manahij al-sulukiyyah)

 Mulla Sadra's book al-Shawahid al-rububiyyah fil manahij al-sulukiyyah is one of the concise but important books of this wise philosopher and contains a summary of his philosophical and gnostic thoughts and ideas. This book is a commentary on and translation of the third shahid of the first mashad of the above-mentioned book. It is on the knowledge of God and includes discussions on topics such as the demonstration of the Necessary Being, Oneness of the Necessary Being, and the attributes of Almighty Necessary.

This systematic self-study book can help students and lovers of the Transcendent Philosophy to promote their knowledge of the content of al-Shawahid al-rububiyyah and increase their ability for a deeper understanding of the complicated and difficult problems of this book.

This book has been compiled in 12 main parts each containing the following common titles: general purpose, behavioral purposes, text of proofs, translation, and commentary on interpretation.

In each part, after these chapters, there are some additional subtitles concerning the analytic content of that chapter. These subtitles are available in the extended table of contents of the book. At the end of each part, there is a self-evaluation section, which is useful for students aiming at conducting research on related problems.

The book Knowledge of God (Commentary on al-Shawahid al-rububiyyah fil manahij al-sulukiyyah) by Marziyah Akhlaqi has been published by the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute in 264 pages.