Imam Ali (a) and the World Peace
"People are of two types: your religious brothers or of your species." This statement has been shinning on the peak of human culture for centuries, and its speaker is no one but Imam Ali (a), the leader of the Shi'ite Muslims in the world. He is a man whom not only the Shi'ites consider to belong to them; rather, the Sunnites, Christians, Jews, and, in sum, all those who seek justice believe that he belongs to them. As we know, the Christian George Jordache has written a thick book on him entitled Imam Ali (a): The Voice of Human Justice.
One of the issues that has attracted a lot of attention after the French Revolution, the Declaration of Human Rights, and the many endeavors and movements for recognizing man's station in the world is supporting prisoners and observing their rights. However, Imam Ali (a) frequently emphasized this point centuries ago. It is necessary to know that he emphasized this at a time when Eastern and Western governments treated prisoners in the worst way possible.
The book Imam Ali (a) and the World Peace is one of the works in which the writer has tried to reveal Imam Ali's method in dealing with issues such as government, freedom, justice, war, and peace from different angles.
This book has been organized in ten chapters the titles of some of which are as follows: World Peace, Nightmare of War, Imam Ali (a) and Respecting Humanity, and Imam Ali (a) and Respecting Freedom.
This book has been written by Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei and translated into English by Dr. Roya Khoii. It has been published in 84 pages by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.