Ibn Sina and Eastern Wisdom (Collection of the Papers Presented at the Conference on Ibn Sina and Islamic Philosophers)
Ibn Sina has always been introduced as a Peripatetic philosopher following Greek philosophy and being a commentator of Aristotle. However, if this is the case, why are there so many fundamental epistemological disagreements between his views and the theories of Aristotle and Greek philosophy, and why does he always speak of a different system of philosophy in his works? Another question here is: How could we analyze his metaphorical and mysterious approach and his Gnostic and eastern teachings?
In the Introduction to his Mantiq al-mashriqiyyin, he calls his new philosophical system "eastern wisdom". This new school of his has formed the first fundamental principles of Islamic philosophy. Therefore, any attempt to understand the bases of Islamic philosophy must begin with Farabi and Ibn Sian. In fact, one cannot be a follower of the philosophy of Suhrawardi or Mulla Sadra but does not have an accourate knowledge of Ibn Sina's philosophy.
This book entails a selection of the papers presented at the conference on "Ibn Sina and Islamic Philosophers", which was held by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute and with the cooperation of the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy in Tehran in 2011. In order to facilitate usage, the articles of this book are classified into four main categories:
1. Ibn Sina's Life and Works
2. Metaphysics
3. Theology
4. Ethics and Politics
The book Ibn Sina and Eastern Wisdom has been published under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei in 414 pages by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute. The required research for this collection has been done by Qasim Pourhassan.