The Scientific Society of the History of Philosophy has been established in order to expand, advance, and promote the scientific level of activities in the field of the history of philosophy and the related sciences and research, to develop the quality of specialized forces, and to improve the instructional and research activities concerning discovering the significance of philosophical and scientific services in Islamic Iran. This Society will be active regarding the following:
Scientific and cultural studies at national and international levels on the history of philosophy and related disciplines
Cooperation with scientific, research, and administrative centers and organizations active in the field of philosophy with an emphasis on the history of philosophy
Presenting research and instructional services to researchers working in the field of the history of philosophy
Holding national and international congresses and gatherings on the history of philosophy
The first meeting of the general assembly of the Scientific Society of the History of Philosophy, after the registration of its constitution and obtaining its liscence from the Sciences, Research, and Technology Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran, was held in summer 2008 with the presence of a number of masters and researchers who were the members of the Society. The first board of directors was chosen for the Society for four years in this meeting. This board consists of five main members, two substitute members, a main inspector, and a substitute inspector.
The Scientific Society of the History of Philosophy grants the following types of membership:
Continuous Membership: To all individuals holding at least an MA degree in philosophy or related fields.
Dependent Membership: To all BA holders with at least 5 years experience of working in the fields related to philosophy.
Student Membership: To all students majoring in Islamic or Western philosophy at university.
Honorary Membership: To all Iranian and foreign figures with significant scientific stations in the fields of philosophy and history of philosophy or those who have offered valuable contributions regarding the advancement of the purposes of the Society.
Interested people who have at least a masters degree in philosophy (including the subcategories of Islamic philosophy, Islamic theology and wisdom, western philosophy, philosophy of religion, comparative philosophy, logic, etc.) and other related disciplines, such as gnosis and religions, history of civilization, archaeology, etc. can send their membership application, along with a summary of their scientific and research background and activities, to the Secretariat of the Society (based in the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute).
Membership in the Society is free and possible through the site of the Institute.
Right now the Society of the History of Philosophy intends to hold the series of the periodic meetings on the history of philosophy, the first series of which was held in Fall 2008 with the cooperation of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. Moreover, participating in the various projects of the four-fold groups of the “Center for Compiling a Comprehensive History of Philosophy and Wisdom” is among the ongoing activities of this Society.