Publication of Volume II of General Criminal Law: Criminology
The book of General Criminal Law
consists of a collection of Ayatullah Professor Seyyed
Mohammed Khamenei’s lessons delivered to students of law
in conformity with the official syllabi and descriptions
of the course of criminal law at different universities.
The second volume of these lessons
on the theme of criminology has been published in 296
pages in crown octavo format. In this book, the author
has explained and analyzed certain issues including the
definition of crime, different types of crime, elements
of crime, and judicial justice. The distinctive feature
of this book is revealing the place of Islamic law over
and its advantages over other legal systems.
This book has been published by
Tolide Ketab Publications. Interested people can
purchase this work and the publications of the Sadra
Islamic Philosophy Research Institute its Sales Unit at
the following address:
SIPRIn’s Bookshop,
Parsa Cultural Complex,
Between Fakhr Razi and Daneshgah
Enghelab Street,
Tehran, Iran
Phone: 00-98-21-66973202
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