“Praising Patience before Rights” in the 54th Issue of Kheradname-ye Sadra
The newest issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of
Kheradname-ye Sadra in the field of Islamic philosophy
was published. The Editor-in-Chief of this Journal is
Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei.
Like the previous issues, this issue of Kheradname-ye
Sadra involves a number of invaluable specialized papers
in the fields of wisdom and philosophy by the
distinguished masters and professors of the country.
We read in the editorial of the Quarterly, ‘rights’ and
‘patience’ are two sides of the same coin, and that is
why they create values with and alongside each other. If
there is no patience, i.e. persistence and assistance,
beside the rights and the rightful, the light of rights
will gradually lose its brightness and will be
extinguished in no time in the storm of events.
Therefore, there is a reason that the noble Qur’an
recommends people to have patience and seek their rights
in al-‘Asr Chapter, and Almighty has sworn to al-‘Asr
(the time of humanity) for this truth.
In the rest of the editorial, Professor Khamenei, the
President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, by
praising the Muslims who have chosen patience against
the army of ignorance and cruelty in today’s Qaza,
maintains that this human disaster is no accident and a
sign of the work of the delicate fingers of fate on the
face of history.
The President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute
reminds that human rights obtain their firmness from
wisdom, and as long as God and His promise are the
truth, the rights will survive, provided that patience,
i.e. persistence and courage accompany them. He also
adds that those who deny the truth and people’s rights
will have no place better than the garbage can of
history, and patience will prove this truth.
The 54th issue of Kheradname-ye Sadra includes the
following articles:
“Language of the Qur’an as an Allegorical Language in
Mulla Sadra’s View” by Gholamreza A’awani and Nasir
Muhammedi, “Ibn Khaldun and Philosophy” by Muhammed
Ilkhani, “A New Account of the Tripartite Division of
Being Based on the Transcendent Philosophy” by Mehdi
Golparwar Ruzbehani and Seyyed Muhammed Yusef Thani, “An
Evaluation of Mulla Sadra’s Criticisms of Ibn Sina and
Early Philosophers in the Demonstration of the Oneness
of the Necessary Being” by ‘Aziz Alizadeh Saleteh,
“Imagination, Prophethood, and Politics in Ibn Sina’s
Philosophy” by Ahmed Bostani, “Unity in Dawani” by
Hussein Muhammed Khani, and “Levels of the Intellect in
Aristotle and Ibn Sina” by Ali Asghar Ja‘fari Walani.
The winter issue of Kheradname-ye Sadra was published in
116 pages at a price of 10000 Rials by the publication
Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute and is
now available to interested readers.
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