Publication of Matla’ al-i’tiqad fi m’arifah al-mabda’ wal ma’ad


The book Matla’ al-i’tiqad fi m’arifah al-mabda’ wal ma’ad has been recently published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. This everlasting work of Mulla Muhammed Fuzuli Baghdadi, the prominent Shi’i litrary man, poet, and thinker of the 10th century A.H., has been edited by Subhan Ali Kusha and published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.

This book, which is on Islamic Kalam, is Fuzuli Baghdadi’s only work in Arabic prose. From among the topics discussed here, we can refer to the nature of knowledge, the knowledge of Almighty Truth and divine attributes, prophethood, and imamah (leadership). We recommend the reading of this book to all lovers of Islamic Philosophy. Interested people can buy this book through post by contacting the following phone number: 021-88153594.

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