Publication of Issue 24 of the Quarterly of History of Philosophy



The 24th issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of History of Philosophy was published. The Table of Contents of this issue is as follows:

- Editorial

  • Objectivity and Representativeness of Propositions in the Practical Philosophies of Kant and Mulla Sadra

Hossein Qasemi

  • Revisiting Scientific Dialog in the Flourishing Period of Islamic Civilization (With an Emphasis on a Methodological Comparison of Ibn Sina and Biruni)

Mohammad Bidhendi, Alireza Aghahosseini, and Mas‘ud Motaharinasab

  • The Brilliant Jewel of Islam in Seville: A Historical Analysis of Ibn Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam

Masood Ahmadi Afzadi

  • Meaning of Truth in the View of Muslim Philosophers with an Emphasis on Ibn Arabi’s Works

Mohsen Habibi and Mohammad Sadiq Rezaee 

  • The Criterion for Detecting the Problems of Prime Philosophy and the Extent of Islamic Philosophers’ Commitment to them

Mansour Imanpour

  • “Gradation of Word” as the Philosophy of Language in Suhrawardi’s Illuminationist Wisdom

Mahmoud Reza Moradian

  • Functions of Reason in the Field of Religion in the Views of Qadi Abd al-Jabbar Mu‘tazili and Abubakr Baqillani

Hossein Houshangi, Seyyed Abbas Zahabi, and Farzaneh Mustafapour             

Interested people can access and download the paper published in the previous issues of the Journal by visiting They can also buy the different issues of this Journal from the Sales Office of the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute at the address given below:

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Tel: 0098-21-66973202

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