Publication of Glosses on al-Asfar
The book of Glosses on al-Asfar
has been published after the completion of the
correction and edition stages. It is noted that this
book has been corrected and edited based on three famous
copies, including the glosses of Hakim Mulla Ali Nuri,
the glosses of Hakim Mulla Muhammad Isma’il Darbkushki,
and the glosses of ‘Allamah Tabataba’i.
It is noted that interested people
can purchase all the books and journals published by the
Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute from its
Sales Office at the following address:
No. 1218,
Parsa Cultural Complex,
Between Fakhr Razi and Daneshgah
Enghelab Street,
Tehran, Iran
Phone: 00-98-21-66973202
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