Publication of the Glosses of Fakhr al-Din Husayni Sammaki’s upon the Commentary on Maybudi’s Hidayah
Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy
Institute has recently published the book of the Glosses
of Fakhr al-Din Husayni Sammaki’s upon the Commentary on
Maybudi’s Hidayah, and it is now available to all the
researchers and people interested in Islamic wisdom and
philosophy. This invaluable book was prepared for
publication by the efforts of the Research and Edition
Department of SIPRIn under the close supervision of
Professor Ayatullah Seyyed Muhammed Khamenei and Maqsud
al-hikmat by Athir al-Din Abhari (born in 663 AH)
provides a concise but precise account of the principles
of logic, physics, and theology, which is the reason why
scholars have written several commentaries and glosses
on this book since it was published for the first time.
Kamal al-Din Seyyedi’s commentary on two physics and
theology sections of Abhari’s Hidayat al-hikmat are
among the most important commentaries written on this
work. Sammaki has written glosses on the physics section
of this commentary. Mir Fakhr al-Din Mohammad Ibn Husayn
Husayni Astarabadi (died in 984 AH), known as Fakhri (Sammaki)
is one of the famous Shi‘ite philosophers of the 10th
century (AH).
Sammaki’s supreme place in the fields of philosophy and
rational science is manifested through his works such as
Glosses on Maybudi’s Commentary on Sharh al-hidayah.
Mulla Sadra has frequently referred in his own Sharh al-hidaya
to the theories of Maybudi and Sammaki.
Interested people can purchase this book and other
publications of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute
from the Sales Unit of its Publication center at the
following address:
SIPRIn’s Bookshop,
Cultural Complex,
Fakhr Razi and Daneshgah Streets,
Enghelab Street,
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