Message of the President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute on the Martyrdom of Major General Haj Qasem Soleimani
In the early hours of Friday,
January 3, 2020, the gallant Sirdar of Islam and Iran,
Major General Haj Qasem Soleimani was martyred by the
American terrorist government and left the Iranian
nation and other justice-seeking nations of the world in
mourning. The martyrdom of this great figure, who was a
military genius and a hero of diplomacy and, similar to
Imam Ali (a), had a kind heart, broke that hearts of
millions of people. His love of country and his profound
belief in Islam blazed from his existence; he was a true
servant of God who lovingly hurried to His presence.
In the realm of jihad against
world terrorism, particularly in Iraq and Syria, Major
General Soleimani chose to spread the peace message of
the Islamic revolution and the spirit of the
Constitution and demonstrate the historical Iranian and
Islamic love of wisdom, bravery, and dignity of the soul
to the world. That is why the whole world clearly knew
about him and his jihadi sacrifices along with his
supreme ethics and pure intentions. He introduced the
true identity of Islamic Iran to all nations and
purified this Shi’ite shrine and center of pilgrims from
all the slanders of the ill-natured American and Zionist
conspirators. Today, his martyrdom confirms the truth of
everything that he claimed and offered in practice and
opens the door of blissful paradise to his soul.
I offer my heartfelt condolences
on the occasion of the martyrdom of this honorable
representative of the historical glory of Iran and pure
Iranian nature and the true son of our motherland to
Imam al-Zaman(a), Hujjat Allah Ibn al-Hassan al-Mahdi;
the supreme Leader and the Commander-in-Chief of the
Armed Forces of Iran, the esteemed Iranian nation, and
the family of Martyr Soleimani. May God punish and
destroy the ignorant and savage enemies of Iran and
Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei
President of the Sadra Islamic
Philosophy Research Institute
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