Publication of the Special Edition of Philosophy and
Children (P&C)
The special edition of Philosophy and Children (P&C) was
published under the title “Child, Thinking, Creativity”
by the Philosophy and Children Group affiliated with
Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. Experts in pedagogy
believe that familiarizing children with philosophical
concepts, in addition to having some positive impacts on
their listening and speaking skills, can accelerate
their process of developing a social character and
enhance their thoughts.
Accordingly, the purpose of this edition is to introduce
the practitioners in the fields of education and
training and students' parents with the Project of
Philosophy and Children and the activities of the
related research group in Sadra Islamic Philosophy
This special edition starts with an interview with
Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei concerning the
background of this project in Iran. He has provided a
number of invaluable guidelines in this regard. The body
consists of some papers on the analysis, criticism, and
study of the Philosophy and Children Project written by
experts in philosophy, education, and training. The
edition ends with a report on the status of philosophy
and children in Iran.
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