Philosophical Cooperation between Iran and Greece           25.9.2008


In July 2008, Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, the President of SIPRIn (the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute), traveled to Greece as the head of a group of scholars in order to participate in the 20th International Philosophy Conference.

During Professor Khamenei’s journey to Greece, Professor Moschopoulos, the member of Athens University, visited the President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. In this meeting, they discussed the renewal and expansion of their cooperative philosophical activities and exchanged their ideas in this regard.

After expressing his pleasure to meet Professor Khamenei, Professor Moschopoulos said, “There are many cultural and philosophical common interests between the two civilized nations of Iran and Greece, and, based on the rich cultures of the two sides, we can expand our philosophical cooperation."

By referring to the scientific status of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute and its membership in various philosophy societies of the world, he suggested the holding of a philosophy conference in 2009 with the cooperation of SIPRIn and the “Greek Institute of the World and Philosophy”.

While welcoming this suggestion, Professor Khamenei stated, “The Sadra Islamic Philosophy has always been a pioneer in holding such philosophical conferences.”

By referring to the scientific level of the philosophy centers of our country, Professor Khamenei said, “Nowadays, Platonic and neo-Platonic philosophies are viewed as invalid or unimportant schools of thought in the West, whereas in Iran they are considered to be among important philosophical schools.”

The President of SIPRIn pointed out that Mulla Sadra was the reviver of Platonic and neo-Platonic philosophies and then emphasized the activities of this Institute in this regard. He also reminded that, with the cooperation of SIPRIn and the philosophy masters of Greece, it is possible to revive the Platonic and neo-Platonic philosophies in the West. This movement can begin in Greece relying on the support and cooperation of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.

Finally, the Presidents of SIPRIn and the Academy of Greek Philosophy expressed their hope concerning expanding their cooperation regarding scientific-philosophical exchanges and the holding of various conferences on subjects that commonly interest both sides.

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