The Publication of a New Issue of the Quarterly of

Philosophy and Children



The fourth issue of the educational-research-analytic Quarterly of Philosophy and Children has been published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute. The license-holder of this Journal is Professor Ayatullah Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei; its Director is Zohreh Hosseini, and its Editor-in-Chief is Tuba Kermani.

This issue contains the following papers: 

  • “Place of Discussion in Knowledge Production in the Curriculum of Philosophy for Children”, Tuba Kermani and Zahra Ommi

  • “Role of Qur’anic Stories in the Mental Development of Children”, Saleh Hassanzadeh

  • “The Relationship between Thought and Imagination: A Case Study of Suhrawardi’s A Tale of Occidental Exile”, Nadia Maftuni and Mahmoud Nuri

  • “A Critique of the Ideas of the Pioneers of the Philosophy for Children Program and Reconstructing it within an Iranian-Islamic Paradigm”, Nawwab Muqarrabi

  • “Qari Naneh (Old Woman Winter) and Who? The Role of Dialog in Children’s Folk Literature in their Logical Thinking”, Mikaeel Rasulzadeh

  • “A Study of the Effect of Philosophy for Children on Promoting their Emotional growth and Control of Anxiety”, Mohammad Hashem Rezaie, Mohammad Reza Sarmadi, and Akram Chezani

  • “Role of Teachers in Training Philosopher Children”, Farzaneh Tajbakhsh

 It is noted that each issue of this Journal also contains the English translations of the abstracts of all the published papers. Interested readers can buy this specialized Quarterly through contacting the Sales and Subscribers Department of the Institute at the following phone number: 0098-21-88153594.

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