Publication of the Third Issue of the Quarterly of Philosophy and Children


The third issue of the instructional-research-analytic Quarterly of Philosophy and Children has been recently published. The license-holder of this Quarterly is Professor Seyyed Muhammed Khamenei; its director is Zohreh Hosseini, and its editor-in-chief is Mojgan Parvinian. This Quarterly is published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. The Table of Contents of this issue is given below:

• Teachings of Non-Formal Logics at the Service of Teaching Philosophy to Children Reza Mahuzi and Fatima Baharloui

• Philosophy as Content: Attention to Ideas and Philosophical Questions in Philosophy for Children Ahmad Akbari, Zeynab Ijlali, Malihah Akbari

• Semantics of the Transcendent Philosophical Training of Children and Young Adolescents in the Iranian-Islamic Lifestyle Nawwab Muqarrabi

• Role of Games in Internalizing Ethical Values in Children Ruqayyah Ghaffari

• Effects of Teaching Learning Strategies on Creative Thinking of Fifth Grade Primary School Students Nahid Mehrjoo

• Children’s Rationalism in the View of the Qur’an and Traditions of Infallible Imams (a) Mujtaba Fa’iq

• Teaching the Transcendent Philosophy to Children and Young Adolescents: A Channel for Islamicizing Sciences Mehdi Parvizi

The Editor-in-Chief of this specialized Quarterly has written in the editorial of this issue as follows:

We have been informed that the Ministry of Education has recently decided on the addition of a new lesson to the high school curriculum called “Thinking and Research”. This lesson will be taught to sixth and seventh grade students. Apparently, it has an attractive title, and it is felt that the place of this lesson has been empty in our schools for a very long time. However, the basic question here is to what extent this course and its related instructional package can compensate for the lack of philosophical thinking in students.

In the rest of her editorial, Parvinian asks:

Will this lesson and its content finally succeed in training students in philosophical thinking? Are the teachers trained for teaching this course as skillful and competent as required? Do they have the necessary knowledge regarding the method of teaching philosophy? Or, is this project also a hurriedly devised one modeled on other short-lived projects and programs proposed and performed in the past? We should not forget that most of the previously devised courses had no positive effects, and some even exercised certain adverse effects on society …

The specialized Quarterly of Philosophy and Children is now available on the market. It is noted that this issue also contains the abstracts of the published articles in English. Interested readers can call the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute at +98-21-88153594 in order to obtain this issue of the Journal.

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