Publication of the 2nd Volume of the Quarterly of Philosophy and Children Summer 2013


The second issue of the educational–research–analytic Quarterly of Philosophy and Children was published in summer 2013. The lisence-holder of this journal is Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei; its director is Zohreh Hosseini, and its editor-in-chief is Mojgan Parvinian.

The table of contents of this issue is given below:

“Education of Children and Young Adults in Aristotle’s View”, Mohsen Jahid

“Philosophy of Ignorance (A Study of the Backgrounds of Human Ignorance) and the Role of Philosophical Thinking in it”, Yahya Ga’adi

“An Analytic Critique of the Theoretical Framework of Teaching Philosophy to Children based on the Transcendent Philosophy”, Nawwab Muqarrabi

“A Study of the Impacts of Teaching Philosophy on Promoting the Questioning Skills and Critical Thinking of Female Grade Five Primary School Students”, Roya ‘Abdullahpur Baneh Khalkhal, Muhammed Taqi Moqqaddas Ja‘fari, and Muhammed Reza Karamipour Shamsabadi

“A Native Approach to Philosophy for Children based on Available Versions”, Ahmad Akbari and Ali Khaliqkhah

“The Role of Philosophical Fields in the Project of the Development of Philosophical Thought in Children and Young Adolescents”, Samaneh Semnani

“Role of Thinking in the Growth of Children’s Personality”, Marziah Imami

In the editorial of this specialized Quarterly we read: “If we consider thinking as placing various data beside each other, processing them, and then arriving at a mental conclusion on the basis of them, intellection is a more complicated stage, which is, in fact, the same as deep and purposeful thinking.”

The editorial continues as follows: “The insistence of the Holy Qur’an on thinking means thinking about the phenomena, divine signs, and realities surrounding us in order to learn about the truth.”

This specialized Quarterly has been published in 92 pages along with the English translation of the abstracts of all articles and is now available to interested readers.

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