Publication of a New Issue of the Biannual Journal of Philosophy and Children


Issue 17 of the Specialized Biannual Journal of Philosophy and Children was published. The license-holder of this Journal is the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute and its managing editor and editor-in-chief are Zohreh Hosseini and Touba Kermani, respectively.

This issue contains the following:


“The Approach of Philosophy and Children in Ibn Tufayl’s Hayy Ibn Yaqzan”, Nadia Maftouni

“Practicing Creativity at Home and School”, Alireza Amin

“Cognitive Development Theories of Children as Viewed by Four Iranian Philosophers (Farabi, Ibn Sina, Suhrawardi, and Mulla Sadra)”, Nawab Moqarrabi

“Worship, Education, and Philosophy and Children”, Moslem Shojae, Abutaleb Awazzadeh, and Sadeq Rezai

“Philosophy and Children and the Skill of Communicative Conduct with the Followers of other Religions”, Mahdi Ganjvar

“A Study of the Necessity of Teaching Logical Thinking to Muslim Children”, Khadijeh Shahidi Marani

“Spirituality for Children with Emphasis on Ayatullah Shahabadi and Imam Khomeini’s Ideas”, Maryam Davarniya and Mujgan Parwiniyan

Interested readers can purchase this Journal and the other publications of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute from its Sales Unit at the following address:

No. 1218,

Parsa Cultural Complex,

Enghelab Street (in front of University of Tehran),

Tehran, Iran

Phone: 0098-21-66973202

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