Holding the Seventh Meeting of Philosophy and Children  



According to a report by the Public Relations Center of the Philosophy and Children Department, the seventh Specialized Meeting of Philosophy and Children was held in Sadr al-Muti’allihin Hall of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute on 19 December 2015. In this meeting which was held with presence of a number of professors, teachers, and researchers in the field of philosophy, Professor Mahrouzadeh presented a speech on “Developing Critical Thinking in the View of Muslim Philosophers”. While referring to the significance of the time of learning and the stages of children’s growth in the Philosophy and Children Program, she compared the views of Piaget and Bruner in this regard. In the course of her speech, she discussed the elements of critical thinking from the view point of Western and Muslim philosophers, including Motahhari, and dealt with the damages resulting from the lack of critical thinking from a Qur’anic view and referred to the ways of developing this kind of thinking. At the end of the meeting, Professor Mahrouzadeh provided some answers to the questions of the attendants.


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