Publication of Muhassil afkar Sadr al-Muti’allihin
by Zahra Mustafawi
The book Muhassil afkar Sadr al-Muti’allihin:
Theology in General Sense, written by Zahra Mustafawi,
Faculty Member at Tehran University, has been published
in 500 pages in hard-back and paperback forms by the
Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy
Research Institute.
This book is the product of a
research project in the field of “Studying Mulla Sadra”.
Here, the writer, who is one of the well-known figures
in academic and religious centers, has tried to provide
a useful and comprehensible summary of Mulla Sadra’s
views for both expert and non-expert readers. Moreover,
it presents an eloquent and fluent account of the
framework and fundamental theories of the Transcendent
Philosophy concerning theology in its general sense.
Many of Mulla Sadra’s works have
been reviewed in this book, the writing of which took
several years. The writer emphasizes that none of Mulla
Sadra’s books and treatises can compete with his al-Asfar
in terms of magnificence.
In order to buy this book,
interested readers can contact the Publication Center of
the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute.
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