The Third Assembly of the Scientific Society of the History of Philosophy


The third general assembly of the Scientific Society of the History of Philosophy was held in the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute on 26 July 2012. At the beginning of the assembly, first a report of the first four years of the activities of the Society was given to the members. Then the election of the second period of the Board of Directors was held under the direct supervision of the delegate of the Ministry of education, research, and technology. The results of the election were as follows:

Main members of the Board of Directors (based on the number of votes):

Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei

Karim Mujtahidi

Hussein Kalbasi

Maqsud Muhammedi

Qasim Purhassan.

Substitute members of the Board of Directors:

Hamidreza Ayatullahi

Hikmatullah Mulla Salehi

Main inspector: Reza Suleyman Heshmat

Substitute inspector: Reza Mahuzi

Moreover, in the meeting of the Board of Directors (second period) on 7 August 2012, after reviewing the first four years of the activities of the Society, the following were elected for the posts given below:

President of the Board of Directors: Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei

Vise President: Karim Mujtahidi

Treasurer: Hussein Kalbasi Ashtari

Member of the Board of Directors and Secretary of the Society: Qasim Purhassan

Member of the Board of Directors: Maqsud Muhammedi

Inspector of the Society: Reza Suleyman Heshmat

The above people were chosen to serve the Society in the assign posts for four years.


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