The Publication of the Newest Issue of Kheradnameh-ye Sadra Quarterly                   19.11.2008


        The 52nd issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of Kheradnameh-ye Sadra was published. Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei is the Editor-in-Chief of this journal, which is published under the supervision of its Editorial Board.


According to the Public Relations Office of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, in the leading article of this issue, , while referring to the 2008 Olympic Games and the costly, but, unfortunately, not very successful or brilliant, participation of Iranian athletes in these games, the editor-in-chief of the quarterly argued:

Regardless of the philosophy behind participation in these competitions, which, according to westerners, is a reminder of a victory that they claim ancient Greece won against Iran, this loss has some material and spiritual dimensions that must be examined by the related authorities. Here, we contend ourselves with reminding the government and the budgetary and legislative authorities that , although sport and the physical training of the body are useful and necessary, they are not essentially a part of culture and must be considered as issues related to health and medical organizations. The result of a mistake which has been committed (perhaps deliberately) in the five-year-program and the annual budget is that this step-child of culture and knowledge feeds on the budget of cultural affairs and swallows the share of other more deserving departments. Therefore, it functions as an obstacle to the growth of other branches of cultural affairs, particularly, the human-making field of thought, wisdom, and knowledge.

Professor Khamenei stipulated in the rest of this article, “Why should the stranger but dominant hand of physical training deprive the devoted agents of true culture of their real share of budget in a country in which the cultural institutes because of a budget shortage and financial problems fail to perform to their highest capacity or even to accomplish their main duties?”

In the rest of his article, Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, while emphasizing the importance of sport and physical training and leaving the decision of whether it is necessary or unnecessary to take part in international sport competitions to the related authorities in society, expressed his dissatisfaction with placing sport under the category of culture and, as a result, allocating the budget of philosophical activities to sport programs and said, “This is the case in our country while nowadays philosophy and logic are among the political tools that dominant and oppressive countries use by spending a great deal of money on them.”

Professor Khamenei also stated, “In order to understand a country’s cultural level and its capacity for future progress, one must see who the authorities welcome with wreaths of flowers in its airports.” He also expressed his dissatisfaction with heedlessness and lack of attention to many of the masters and professors who have brought honor and pride to our country in international fields. He brought this article to an end with a question: “Is social justice, which we claim to have established in society, anything other than placing everything in its right place and observing everyone’s rights?”

The 52nd issue of Kheradnameh-ye Sadra as usual includes some articles by well-known philosophy masters including “The Rational Beauty and Ugliness of Acts in Mulla Sadra” by Seyyed Sadr al-Din Tahiri, “The Ontological Trans-Substantial Motion in the Arc of Ascent and Descent” by Monireh Palangi, “Causality in Jalal al-Din Dawani and Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy” by Abdulrazzaq Hesamifar, and “The Relation between Existence and Quiddity in the Philosophies of Aristotle and Ibn Sina” by Reza Akbarian and Suhrab Haqiqat.

Other articles published in this issue include “An Explanation of the Unity between Cosmology and the Philosophy of Mystic Journey in Rumi’s View” by Mahmud Shaykh, “The Semantic and Verbal Nature of Revelation in Mulla Sadra” by Marziyeh Akhlaqi, and “Philosophy of Art and the Place of Imagination from the Perspective of Islamic Philosophers” by Hussein Hashemnejad.

This issue also includes the reports of the 11th and 12th Conferences on Commemoration of Mulla Sadra, which were held in Tehran and Shiraz, as well as a report of the mission sent to Greece on behalf of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.

The latest issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of Kheradname-ye Sadra has been published recently and presented to the lovers of philosophy and wisdom in 128 pages at the price of 1000 tomans.    

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