Publication of Issue 94 of Kheradname-ye Sadra
The 94th issue of the
scientific-research Quarterly of Kheradname-ye Sadra was
published. The license-holder of this Journal is Sadra
Islamic Philosophy Research Institute, and its director
and editor-in-chief is Ayatullah Professor Seyyed
Mohammed Khamenei. It is now available to philosophers,
students, and interested people in the field of
philosophy. The Table of Contents of this issue contains
“Clarification of Man’s Voluntary Act Based on an
Explanation of Supplication (An Analysis of the Views of
Ibn Sina, Mulla Sadra, and ‘Allamah Tabataba’i on
Supplication)”, Roohallah Daraei and Touba Kermani
Critical Study of “Posteriority of the Soul’s Presential
Knowledge to Certain Types of Acquired Knowledge”, Ahmad
Hamdollahi Oskuee
Critical Study of Functionalism with a Glance at Mulla
Sadra’s Self-Knowledge”, Reza Safari Kandsari
“Ontological Place of the Guardian and Imam in the
Transcendent Philosophy of Hakim Zunuzi”, Abdolreza
“Whatness and Logical Structure of Equivalence
Syllogism”, Mohammad Ali Noori
“Mentally-Posited Being in Mulla Sadra”, Reza Mollaei
“Transcendent Philosophy in Mulla Sadra”, Mohammad Sadeq
It is noteworthy that the
abstracts of the issue of the Journal and the papers
published in the previous issues are available in the
website of Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute.
Moreover, interested people can purchase this Quarterly
from the Sale and Subscribers Unit of the Institute
(phone: 0098-2188153594) or the Sales Office of the
Publication Center of the Institute at the following
No: 1218,
Parsa Cultural Complex,
Enghelab Street (in front of
Tehran University)
Phone: 0098-2166973202
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