Publication of a New Issue of Kheradname-ye Sadra Quarterly
Issue 92 of the
scientific-research Quarterly of Kheradname-ye Sadra has
been published and is now available on the market. This
issue of Kheradname-ye Sadra contains the following:
“Limitation of the Modes of
Propositions to Necessity and Possibility”, The late
Ahmad Ahmadi
“Mulla Solayman Gilani’s
Explanation of Ibn Sina’s Kinematics: An Analytic
Introduction to the Treatise of Motion, Rest, and Time
(al-Harakat wal-Sukun wal-Zaman)”, Mohammad Javad
“A Critical Analysis of
Abdulrazzaq Lahiji’s View of the World of Suspended
Ideas”, Zakaria Baharnezhad
“Synonymy of Attributes and
Attributeless Nature of Essence”, Hosain Oshaghi
“A Comparative Study of the Views
of Farabi, Ibn Sina, and Aristotle of the Substantiality
of the Soul and its Immateriality and Immortality”,
Ghasem Pourhasan and Hosein Gholizadeh
“Theorem of “Happiness and
Salvation” in Ibn Sina’s View”, Shamsollah Seraj and
Huda Habibimanesh
“An Analytic Study of Ibn Sina’s
Argument of the Righteous Based on its Logical Structure
and Limits”, Sayyed Mohammad Entezam
It is noted that the abstracts of
the various issues of this Quarterly are available to
all on the official website of the Sadra Islamic
Philosophy Research Institute. Moreover, interested
readers can obtain this Journal by contacting the
Subscription Unit of the Institute (phone:
0098-2188153594) or purchase it directly from the Sales
Office of its Publication Center at the following
No. 1218,
Parsa Cultural Complex,
Enghelab Street (in front of
University of Tehran),
Tehran, Iran
Phone: 0098-21-66973202
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