Publication of a New Issue of the Scientific-Research Quarterly of Kheradname-ye Sadra


The 73th issue of the Scientific-Research Quarterly of Kheradname-ye Sadra was published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute and is now available to interested readers. The articles in this issue include the following:

  • “Mulla Sadra and Sufism”, Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei

  • “A Critique of a Critique: Immortality of the Soul in the Transcendent Philosophy”, Seyyed Muhammed Musawi & Rasul Hosseinpour

  • “Mulla Sadra’s Role in the Transformation of Aristotelian Logic”, Akbar Faydei

  • “The Nexus between Ideal and Real Cities in Plato’s Thought”, Reza Mahoozi

  • “Learning and Teaching the Divine Beliefs and Teachings in Hakim Fayd Kashani”, Fatemah Sadeqzadeh Qamsari

  • “Intellects in Sadrian Philosophy and Angelology in Nahj al-Balaghah with Special Emphasis on Acts”, Ali Arshad Riyahi & Maliheh Jamshidian

  • “Internal Consistency of Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy Concerning the Mode of the Createdness of the Soul”, Muhammed Kazem Forqani, Jawad Ibrahimi, and Muhammed Ahmadizadeh

  • “An Analysis of the Principle of the Precedence of Temporally Originated Things by Potency and Matter”, Mansur Imanpour

Interested readers can obtain this Journal through contacting the Sales and Subscription Department of the Institute at the following number: 021-88153594.

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