Publication of Issue 100 of Kheradname-ye Sadra



Issue 100 (Summer 2020) of the scientific research Quarterly of Kheradname-ye Sadra was published. The Table of Contents of this issue is given below:

Editorial: Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Muhammed Khamenei

“What is Metaphysics?”, Reza Dawari Ardakani

“Secrets of Sharī‘ah and Benefits of Obedience in Mullā Sadrā’s View”, Seyyed Mostafa Mohaqqiq Damad

“Efficient Causality in the View of Islamic Mutikallimun and Philosophers”, Seyyed Sadr al-Din Taheri

“Structure of Logical Propositions in the View of Muslim Philosophers and Logicians”, Maghsoud Mohammadi

“An Analysis of the Double-Sided Divisions of Existence based on Sadrian Philosophical System”, Abdolali Shokr

“Criteria for Muqarrabūn in Mullā Sadrā’s Philosophical Works and Commentaries”, Fatemeh Sadeqzadeh Qamsari

“Place of Act in Man’s Existence in Mullā Sadrā”, Fateme Soleimani Darrebaghi

“A Study of Mudarres Zunūzī’s View of the Theory of Interrupting the Divine Punishment based on the Ideas of Ibn ‘Arabī and Mullā Sadrā”, Hamidreza Khademi and Reza Hesari

“From Wisdom to Functionalism: A New Analysis of the Nature of Mullā Sadrā’s Philosophical Paradigm”, Hassan Rahbar and Hamid Eskandari

“Consistency of Mullā Sadrā’s Perception of the Principle of Impossibility of the Knowledge of Effect without the Knowledge of Cause with Ontological Foundations of the Transcendent Philosophy”, Seyed Amin Mirhoseini and Ali Fath Taheri

“An Analysis of the “Transcendence of Wisdom” based on Sadrian Self-Knowledge and Methodology”, Maryam Sadat Mousavi, Mohammad Bidhendi, and Mohammad Mahdi Meshkati


It is noted that interested readers can access the full papers of this issue and the related data on Moreover, the abstracts of all the papers published in the previous issues of the Journal are available to all users on the website of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute.

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