Publication of a New Issue of the Scientific-Research
Quarterly of Kheradname-ye Sadra
The 74th
issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of Kheradname-ye
Sadra has been published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy
Research Institute. The Table of Contents of this issue
is given below:
“Mulla Sadra and Science of Kalam”, Seyyed Mohammed
“Reflection of the Allegory of Shadow and the Madd
al-Zill Verse in the Transcendent Philosophy”, Mehdi
“Virtue in Mulla Sadra’s View”, Zakariya Baharnejad
Introduction to Philosophy, Management, and
Lifestyle in Mulla Sadra”, Tuba Kermani
“Semantic Analysis of Ethical Obligation in ‘Allamah
Tabataba’i”, Abbas Gohari and Peyman Safari
Critical Study of Leibniz’s View of the Soul based
on the Transcendent Philosophy”, Furugh al-Sadat
Rahimpour and Mehdi Ganjvar
“The Extent of Abandonment of Indication per Nexum
in Muslim Logicians”, Hossein Rashidzadeh, Ahad
Faramarz Qaramaleki, and Nadia Maftooni
“Ibn Arabi and the Theory of “Imitating God” ”,
Nafiseh Ahl Sarmadi and Maryam al-Sadat Izadi
Interested readers can obtain this Journal by
contacting the sales and subscription unit of the Sadra
Islamic Philosophy Institute (phone: 0098-21-88153594).
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