The Specialized Meeting of the Ancient Iran Group


The scientific meeting of the group of pre-Aryan Iranian civilizations (a sub-group of the Middle East group) from the series of the specialized meetings of the Center of Compiling a Comprehensive History of Wisdom and Philosophy was held in the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.

The attendants of this meeting, which was the second one in this subgroup, consisted of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, Dr. Malekzadeh (as the head of this group), Dr. Sarraf, Dr. Kalbasi, Dr. Rashed Muhassil, Dr. Mahuzi, Dr. Momeni, Mr. Dehqan, and Ms. Soleymanifard.

At the end of the meeting, it was decided to study the several Iranian civilizations existing before the arrival of Aryans from both historical-archeological and interpretive perspectives so that more angles of ancient Iranian Philosophical-Illuminationist thoughts are revealed.

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