The Report of the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy from the First Meeting of the Members of the Branch of High School Teachers of Philosophy
The first meeting of the High School Teachers Branch of the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy was held in the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute from 15 to 17.30 on 26 September, 2012. A number of high school teachers of logic and philosophy of Tehran and Alborz Provinces participated in this meeting.
After the report of the Society’s Secretary concerning the goals and prospects of the establishing of High School Teachers’ Branch, the general framework for the activities of this Branch was discussed and approved. Besides, after forming a five-person group of high school teachers’ representatives, it was decided that, through interactions with the Society’s Secretariat, this group should devise the administrative bylaw of High School Teachers’ Branch and prepare it for presentation in the second meeting of the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy.
This Branch has been developed in order to promote and update the scientific and practical capacities of the teachers of philosophy and logic as well as benefitting from such capacities. Initially, it began accepting members in Tehran and Alborz provinces, and it is hoped that this process can be extended to other provinces with the active participation of high school teachers and the related centers and institutions in the Education and Training Organization.
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