Publication of the Ninth Issue of the Quarterly of History of Philosophy (Summer, 2012)
The titles of some of the papers in the ninth issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of History of Philosophy are as follows:
Farabi’s Innovation Concerning the Relationship between Religion and Philosophy: The Hierarchical Theory of Religious Language, Nawwab Mogharebi and Qasim Purhassan
A Critical and Comparative Study and Analysis of Modern and Traditional Rationalism, Hossein Zamaniha
Active Intellect in Aristotle and its Consequences based the Interpretations of Johannes Philoponus and Ibn Rushd, Hassan Fathi and Bayan Karimi
A Theoretical Evaluation of the Relationship between Ethics and Politics in Zoroaster and Aristotle (A Comparative Study of the Gathas of Avesta and the Sixth book of the Nicomachean Ethics), Muslem Abbasi and Hatam Qaderi
The license holder of this Journal is the International Society of History of Philosophy. The Director of the Journal is Professor Seyyed Muhammed Khamenei, and its Editor-in-Chief is Dr. Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari.
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