Publication of Issue 41 of the Scientific Quarterly of History of Philosophy



Issue 41 of the scientific-research Quarterly of the History of Philosophy, special Issue (Summer 2020), has been published by the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute. The director of this Journal is Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei; its license-holder is the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy, and its editor-in-chief is Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari. The Table of Contents of this issue contains the following:


“Hume’s and Kant’s Epistemological Critique of Metaphysics”, Hamed Ehteshami and Seyyed Mohammad Hakak

“A Historical Approach to the Application of the term “Social by Nature” in Islamic Middle Centuries”, Sajjad Hijri and Azartash Azarnoosh

“Aristotle’s Ousia and its Translation into Substance”, Hamidreza Mahbubi Arani, Seyyed Mohammad Ali Hojjati, Hamid Khosravani

“Explanation of the Causes of Earthquake in Ibn Sīnā’s Works and its Effect on Quṭb al-Dīn Shīrāzī and Shīrwānī”, Arash Moussavi and Mir Hamid Hashemi Lashenloo

“A Study of the Development of the Whatness and Existence of Continuous and Cutting Movements in Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā”, Ahmad Shakibaie and Mansor Imanpoor

“Challenges of two Genres of Tragedy and Comedy in Ibn Sīnā’s View as Opposed to Aristotle’s Poetics”, Farideh Daliri, Esmaeil Baniardalan, and Amir Maziyar

“A Study of Gradation in Accidental Predicates in the View of Mīr Qawām al-Dīn Razī Ṭehrānī”, Mehdi Asgari and Mansour Nasiri


It is noted that the abstracts of this issue of the Quarterly and those of the previous issues are available on the website of SIPRIn to all esteemed researchers and users. Moreover, all the data related to this issue and all its content are available on Interested readers are advised to contact the Sales and Subscriptions Department of SIPRIN (phone: 0098-21-88153594) in order to purchase the publications of the Institute.

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