Publication of 39th Issue of the Scientific Quarterly of
History of Philosophy
The 40th issue of the scientific
Quarterly of History of Philosophy(Special Spring Issue,
2020) was published by the Publication Center of the
Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute and is now
available to all interested readers. The director of
this Journal is Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed
Khamenei; its license-holder is the Scientific Society
of History of Philosophy, and its editor-in-chief is
Hossein Kalbasi.
The Table of Contents of this
issue is given below:
“Methodology of Great Muslim
Philosophers’ Encounter with the Translation Trend of
the Abbassid Period”, Seyyed Mohammad Ali Dibaji
“Challenges of Aristotelian Matter
and Potency in Muslim Philosophers’ Discussions”,
Hojjatollah Askarizadeh, Seyed Ebrahim Musavi, and Malek
“Avestan Sīmurgh, Ishraqi Sīmurgh
(A Historical Etymology of Sīmurgh in Islamic-Iranian
Philosophy)”, Hassan Bolkhari Ghehi
“Zayn al-Dīn Kāshī: The First
Illuminationist Figure after Suhrawardī”, Ali Asghar
Jafari Valani
“Place of the First Cause in
Francisco Suarez’s Metaphysics”, Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari
and Mastaneh Kakaiy
“Epistemological Functions of
Mimesis in Thomas Aquinas”, Afra Khakzad, Hadi Rabiei,
and Mohammad Akvan
“Subsistence of the Soul in School
of Khorasan: Self-Knowledge in Mīrzā Mahdī Isfahānī,
Shaykh Mujtabā Qazvīnī, and Ayatullah Murvārīd”, Ebrahim
Alipour and Akram Ghorbani Ghomi
It is noted that the abstracts of
this issue of the Quarterly and those of the previous
issues are available to all esteemed researchers and
readers on the website of Siprin. Moreover, more
information regarding this issue of History of
Philosophy and its articles are available on Interested people are advised to
contact the Sales and Subscriptions Department of Siprin
(phone: 0098-21-88153594) in case they wish to purchase
any of the publications of the Institute.
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