Publication of 39th Issue of the Scientific Quarterly of
History of Philosophy
The 39th issue of the scientific
Quarterly of History of Philosophy was published by the
Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy
Research Institute and is now available to all
interested readers.
The director of this Journal is
Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei; its
license-holder is the Scientific Society of History of
Philosophy, and its editor-in-chief is Hossein Kalbasi.
The Table of Contents of this
issue is given below:
“A Different Version of
Immortality in Plato’s Symposium”, Hamidreza Mahboobi
“Concept of “Perennial Essence”
and the Problem of “Revival or Establishment” in
Suhrawardī’s Philosophy”, Ali Babaei
“An Approach to the Concept of
Knowledge in Pahlavi Texts and its Connection with
Morality and Education”, Sheyda Riyazi Heravi, Masud
Safaei Moghaddm, Mohammad Jafar Pakseresht, and Shahram
“The Discussion between Abū Bishr
Mattā and Abū Sa‘īd Sirāfī on Grammar in the Cradle of
History”, Atefeh Ranjbar Darestani, Morteza Mezginejad,
and Mohammad Fazl Hashemi
“Socio-political Roots and
Consequences of Gandhi’s View of God and God’s
Relationship with Truth”, Ali Naqi Baqershahi
“Place and Time of Mullā Muḥammad
Kaẓim Hezārjarībī in the History of Rational Sciences
with an Emphasis on the Content of Theological
Manuscripts”, Ali Ghanbarian and Abbas Bakhshande Bali
“Principle of the One in the View
of ‘Alī Qulī Ibn Qarachāqāy Khān”, Mehdi Asgari, Mansour
Nasiri, and Yousef Daneshvar Nilu
It is noted that the abstracts of
this issue of the Quarterly and those of the previous
issues are available to all esteemed researchers and
readers on the website of Siprin.
Moreover, the whole data regarding
this issue of History of Philosophy and its articles are
available on Interested people are
advised to contact the Sales and Subscriptions
Department of Siprin (phone: 0098-21-88153594) in case
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