Publication of the 31st Issue of the Quarterly of History of Philosophy


The 31st issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of History of Philosophy contains the following papers:

  • “History of Philosophy and its Models”, Masoud Omid

  • “Muslim Philosophers’ Reading of Milesian Pre-Socratic Philosophers”, Mehdi Asgari and Mansour Nasiri

  • “Historical Development of the Concept of Hyle (Matter) in the Works of Muslim Thinkers”, Mahmoud Hedayatafza and Mohammad Javad Rezaeirah

  • “Elements and Place of the Concept of Techne in Greek Ancient Philosophy with Reference to Heidegger’s View”, Hassan Mehrnia, Mahdi Zakeri, and Hossein Latifi

  • “Heraclitus, Ethics, and Knowledge”, Majid Mollayousefi and Maryam Samadieh

  • “A Critical Study of the Illuminationist Nature of Ibn Sina’s Philosophy”, Abdolhossein Khosropanah, Seyyed Hamid Forghani Dehnawi, and Hesam al-Din Momeni Shahraki

  • “Effects of Stoic Logic on the Development of the Concepts and Technical Terms of the Discussion of Conditional Propositions in the Islamic Period”, Amin Shahverdi


Interested readers can access and download the papers of the previous issues of this Journal at or purchase them from the bookshop of the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute at the following address:

No. 1218,

Parsa Cultural Complex,

Enghelab Street (in front of Tehran University),

Tehran, Iran

Phone: 0098-21-66973202

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