Publication of the 26th Issue of the History of Philosophy Quarterly


The 26th issue of the Scientific-Research Quarterly of the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy was published. The Table of Contents of this issue is given below:

  •  “Farabi and a Philosophical Reading of al-Huruf”, Ghasem Purhasan

  • “The Relationship between Beauty and the Good in Plato’s Ontology”, Hossein Ghaffari and Behnaz Parvin   

  • “A Study of the Rise of Shi‘ite Gnosis in Ibn Sina’s Life and Works with an Emphasis on his Ideas in Namat al-‘arifin”, Fereshteh Nadry Abyaneh    

  • “An Evaluation of Fakhr al-Din Razi’s Criticisms of Ibn Sina’s Definition of Time”, Mahmoud Saidiy and Seyyed Mohammad Musawy    

  • “Ammonius Hermiae and the Historical Impact of his Thought”, Maryam Salem

  • “Development of the Concept of Malignity in the History of Philosophical Ethics in the Islamic World (with an Emphasis on Khwajah Nasir al-Din Tusi’s Philosophy)”, Hossein Atrak and Mohsen Jahed

  • “A Study of the Truth of Attributing the Salaman wa Absal Treatise to Ibn Sina”, Seyyed Mohammad Kazem Madadi al-Musavi

Interested readers can access and download the articles published in the previous issues by visiting the website of the Journal ( They can also buy all the issues of the Journal from the bookshop of the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute at the following address:

No. 1218,

Parsa Cultural Complex,

Enghelab Street (in front of Tehran University),

Tehran, Iran

Phone: 0098-21-66973202

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