Publication of the 25th Issue of History of Philosophy Quarterly


The 25th issue of the Scientific-Research Quarterly of the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy was published. This issue contains the following articles:

  • “Historical Development and Pre-Suppositions of the Theory of the Principiality of Existence in Tusi’s Analysis”, Hashem Ghorbani

  • “Incompleteness of Heidegger’s Interpretation of Platonic Truth: A Critical Review of Plato’s Doctrine of Truth”, Said Binayemotlagh and Seyyed Majid Kamali

  • “Philosophy and Religious Law in Spinoza’s Theologico-Political Treatise: Admist Averroism and Textualism”, Reza Najafzadeh

  • “Rereading Suhrawardi’s Illuminationist Philosophy in the Light of Pierre Hadot’s Philosophical Model: Philosophy as a Way of Life”, Amir Abbas ‘Alizamani and Zahra Rastakhiz Ghasroaldashti

  • “A Study of the Idea of Crisis in Husserl’s View and its Background in the 19th Century European Philosophy”, Seyyed Mas‘ud Seyf and Afshin Mo’azzen

  • “The Idea of Order in the History of Greek Philosophy: A Study of the Epistemological-Ontological Aspects of Order in Plato’s Political Philosophy”, Abdulrasul Hasanifar and Hamzah Alimi Cheraghali

  • “Life in Harmony with Nature in the View of Three Stoic Philosophers: Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius”, Mohammad Javad Esmaeili and Sina Masheyekhi

  • “Logos and Motion in Heraclitus”, Seyyed Mohammad Reza Hosseini Khameneh


Interested readers can access and download the articles published in the previous issues by visiting the website of the Journal ( They can also buy the previous issues from the bookshop of the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute at the following address:

No. 1218,

Parsa Cultural Complex,

Enghelab Street (in front of Tehran University),

Tehran, Iran

Phone: 0098-21-66973202

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