Publication of Issue 18 of the Quarterly of
History of Philosophy
18th issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of
History of Philosophy contains the following papers:
Body-Soul Relation in the Transcendent Philosophy and
Ibn Arabi’s School”, Mohammad Miri
in Shankara’s School”, Mohammad Reza Asadi and Seyyed
Zia al-Din Hosseini
“Transition from Intellectual Philosophy to Esoteric
Wisdom in the Ideas of Ikhwan al-Safa (An Analysis of
Early Encounters of Muslim Thinkers with Philosophy)”,
Hasan Bolkhari Qahi
“Psychology in Ibn Sina and Ibn Miskawayah”, Seyyed
Ahmad Hosseini and Maryam Gomari
Critical Study and Analysis of Kant’s Ideas concerning
the Validity of Categorical Imperative based on Mulla
Sadra’s View”, Hossein Qasemi
“Aristotelian Model of Defining Science”, Mehdi Nazemi
Ardakani and Hamed Mustafawi Fard
Innovations concerning the Theory of Moderation”,
Hossein Atrak
Quarterly is published by the Publication Center of the
Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute. The
director of this Journal is Professor Ayatullah Seyyed
Mohammed Khamenei; its license-holder is the
International Society of History of Philosophy, and its
editor-in-chief is Hossein Kalbasi. It is noted that the
abstracts of the papers of this issue and the previous
issues are available in the website of the Institute to
interested readers. Those who are interested in buying
the publications of the Journal can contact the Sales
and Subscribers Unit of the Institute at
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