Publication of a New Issue of the Quarterly of History of Philosophy


The 11th issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of History of Philosophy was published in winter 2013. The table of contents of this issue is as follows:

“Roots of the Theoretical Foundations of Mulla Sadra’s “Indigence Possibility” in Muhaqqiq Dawani’s Philosophy”, Muhammed Meshkat and Majid Yarian

“Reflection of the Insights and Conducts of Shaykh Baha’i and Majlisi (II) in their Religious Treatises”, Furugh al-Sadat Rahimpour

“Mulla Rajab‘ali versus Mulla Sadra concerning the Discussion of Mental Existence”, Ali Karabasizadeh Isfahani, Farideh Kuhrang Beheshti and Sana Jawanmardi

“Hermeneutic Horizons of the Transcendent Philosophy and Mulla Sadra’s Social and Cultural Mission”, Seyyed Mehdi Imami Jum‘ah

“Isfahan’s School of Kalam”, Muhammed Taqi Subhani and Muhammed Ja‘far Reza’i

“A Critical Study of the Tree-Fold Division of Predication in Mir Damad”, Mahmud Zera‘atpisheh

“A Critical Study of the Principles of Negative Theology with reference to Mulla Sadra’s Ideas”, Muhammed Mehdi Meshkati and Mehdi Mansuri 

The license-holder of this Journal is the International Society of History of Philosophy. The Executive Director of this quarterly is professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, and its Editor-in-Chief is Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari.


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