Publication of the Research Journal of
History of Philosophy

The first edition of the Research Journal of History of Philosophy has been recently published. This Journal has received its permit from the Islamic Guidance Ministry. The grantee of the Journal is the “History of Philosophy Society”, and its director is Professor Seyyed Muhammed Khamenei. The editor-in-chief of the Journal is Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari.
The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute, following its innovative and research activities under the title “The Project of Compiling a Comprehensive History of Wisdom and Philosophy”, will publish this Journal as a part of its scientific activities.
The Journal of History of Philosophy is the first specialized journal on the history of philosophy which will step into the domain of wisdom and knowledge in the history of Iranian scientific journals.
According to the President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute, the research Journal of History of Philosophy can function as a link connecting Iranian and foreign researchers concerning the most recent findings of philosophical studies. The selected papers of non-Iranian researchers will also be published in this journal.
The editor-in-chief of the Journal of History of Philosophy invites all researchers in the field of the history of philosophy and the related subjects to submit their papers and research reports for publication in this Journal, which will be distributed both in and out of Iran.
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