Call for Papers on Philosophy and World Peace


In the fields of Wisdom and philosophy, the discussions related to theoretical wisdom must always lead to action and practical wisdom, and the essential part and core of philosophy and rational thought is employing wisdom for human life. Accordingly, during the last years, the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute has chosen the subjects and topics in practical wisdom as the main themes of the chains of conferences on commemorating Mulla Sadra. The 18th edition of the Conference on Commemorating Mulla Sadra is on the topic of “Philosophy and World Peace”.

All scholars, experts, and researchers working in related fields are invited to participate in this Conference by presenting papers in relation to one of the topics given blow.



1) Philosophy and World Peace

  •  Philosophy of peace and philosophical peace

  •  Philosophical anthropology and the problem of peace

  •  The unity of philosophy, psychology, and peace

  •  The relationship between practical wisdom and national and international peace and quiet

  •  The relationship between peace and man’s happiness

  •  The relationship between the philosophy of ethics and national and international peace

  •  The relationship between philosophical policy and peace

  •  The relationship between knowledge and world peace and security

  •  The relationship between peace and perfect man

 2. Islam, Islamic Philosophy, and World Peace

  •  Islam, philosophy of jihad (holy war), and peace

  •  The Relationship between peace and unified ummah (people) in Islam and the Qur’an

  •  Peace in Islamic philosophers’ political philosophy (particularly, in the Transcendent Philosophy)

  •  The unity of ethics, justice, and peace in the Transcendent Philosophy

  •  Comparative studies in Western and Eastern philosophical schools regarding peace and justice

  •  Philosophy of jihad (holy war) and peace in the Qur’an and Sunnah

 3. Philosophy, Justice, and World Peace

  •  Individual ethics and world peace

  •  Social justice and world peace

  •  Justice among nations and the problem of peace

  •  Political justice and world peace

  •  Philosophy, human dignity, and human rights

  • - Philosophy, lawfulness, and civil rights

 4. Philosophy, International Relationships, and World Peace

  •   Globalization and Iranian-Islamic philosophical models

  •   World society, unified ummah (people), and Islamic awakening

  •   Philosophy and the dialog among cultures

  •   The Dialog of religion and world peace

5. Philosophy, Training, and World Peace

  •   Peace-centered education and training

  •   Philosophy of education and training in the Islamic world (centering on peace and justice)

  •   “Philosophy and Children” and world peace

  •   Family and Children’s philosophical training for peace 

6. Philosophy and Epical Art

7. Islamic Gnosis and World Peace

8. Other related topics.


Important notes:

1. All papers should entail new contents and follow a critical and comparative approach to their topics. Papers published previously will not be accepted.

2. The abstracts can include a maximum of 200 words, and the full paper can include between a minimum of 3000 and a maximum of 5000 words.

3. It is necessary to include the following both in the abstracts and full papers: a) title of the paper; b) presenter’s name; c) presenter’s academic degree and place of occupation; d) complete postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, and Fax number.

4. All paper should be typed using Word 2003/2007 program.

5. The Conference Secretarial will not return the received papers, and the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute holds the legal right to publish the accepted papers.


Important dates:

Deadline for abstracts: 17 March 2014

Deadline for full papers: 26 April 2014

Conference date: 22 May 2014

Interested scholars can send their papers to the following email address: The subject of the email should be: “Related to the Conference May 2014”.

The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute

Permanent Secretariat of Conferences on Commemorating Mulla Sadra


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