Instructional Course of “New Methods of Teaching Philosophy Using Electronic Sources” in the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute  



The instructional course of “New Methods of Teaching Philosophy Using Electronic Sources” was held in the Institute with the cooperation of the High School Teachers Branch of the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy, the Philosophy and Children Department of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute, and the Education Office of District 1 of Tehran.

Based on the agreement between the Philosophy and Children Department of the Institute and the Education Office of District 1 of Tehran and the High School Teachers Branch of the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy, and given the increasing expansion of modern instructional and supplementary educational materials and tools and the necessity of using electronic resources for optimizing the task of teaching, the instructional course of “New Methods of Teaching Philosophy Using Electronic Sources” was held in the Institute. The course consisted of 24 hours of theoretical classes and 12 hours of practical work. More than 70 philosophy and logic high school teachers of Tehran and Alborz Provinces participated in these classes.


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