The Publication of the Second Edition of The Philosophy of Being a Woman:An Introduction to Women’s Rights

The second edition of the book The Philosophy of Being a Woman: An Introduction to Women’s Rights, written by Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, was published by the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. This book consists of two general parts: the philosophy of being a woman and women’s rights.
In the Preface of this book, the writer writes:
In order to have a scientific knowledge of the issue of women and their place, we must analyze it in terms of its two natural and social dimensions. In fact, we must first study women as a natural phenomenon in terms of their physical and psychological characteristics, as well as the functions and duties that have been predicted for them in natural laws. Second, through a social analysis of men and women, we must perceive the true place and value of women as a social phenomenon. The scientific solution of the problem of women depends on a correct and real knowledge of men and women, and as long as we lack this knowledge, we cannot solve this problem.
The book of The Philosophy of Being a Woman: An Introduction to Women’s Rights, which had been previously published in Arabic and English, has been published for the second time in Persian in 192 pages and in 2000 copies by the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute and is now available to interested readers.
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