Publication of the Collection of the Abstracts of the Conference of Commemorating Mulla Sadra (2021)



The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute held the annual conference on commemorating the scientific life and works of this prominent Iranian philosopher and glorify and promote the status of Islamic wisdom and philosophy in Iran on 22 May. Since last year, due to COVID lock downs, the conference has been held virtually.

This year’s conference, which was entitled “Philosophy and the Interactions between Man and the World”, dealt with analyzing and explaining the reasons behind the occurrence of environmental crises, including the problems due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

After the call for papers, 100 abstracts were sent to the conference Secretariat by professors, authorities and researchers in the field of philosophy. Seventy-three of the abstracts were accepted by the Scientific Council of the Conference, the collection of which has been published in an electronic booklet. Interested writers and researchers can download the related file here.

It is noted that the complete collection of the selected papers of the Conference will be made available on this website in the near future.


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