Publication of the Book of Abstracts of the Papers Accepted for “Philosophy and Art Conference”
The Book of Abstracts of the papers
accepted for the 24th edition of the
Conference of Commemorating Mulla Sadra has been
published. This edition of the conference was held on
the theme of “Philosophy and Art”. As announced
previously, given the present social conditions and the
necessity of avoiding gatherings to prevent the spread
of COVID-19, this year the Conference of Commemorating
Mulla Sadra was held in online format.
According to the Information Section of the Conference
Secretariat, after the confirmation of the theme by the
Scientific Council and the Board of Trustees of the
Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, the Call for Papers
was announced with six main themes and 86 subcategories.
The main themes of the conference included Philosophy
and Nature of Art, Place of Imagination in Philosophy
and Art, Applications of Art in Philosophy, Art in
Illuminationist Philosophy, Philosophical Interpretation
of Works of Art, and Art in Philosophy and Children
Following the Call for Papers, 121 abstracts and papers
were submitted to the Secretarial of the Conference by
professors, authorities, and researchers in related
fields. From among them, 63 abstracts were accepted by
the Scientific Council of the Conference, the Collection
of which is presented in this book in the alphabetical
order of the family names of the authors. The Book of
Abstracts is available
The collection of the selected papers of the Conference
will be published at the end of the review process. The
selected speeches of the Conference will be available to
interested people on this website and in other print,
broadcast, and online formats in the near future.
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